Archive for May, 2009

June FreeSchool WeekEnder! 19-21 June

Posted in Uncategorized on May 28, 2009 by jonnyboy

DSCN0440smallFreeSkool Peter

Special theme on housing, squatting and gentrification

A weekend of workshops, discussions and skillsharing to promote free, community organised learning

The London FreeSchool is planning another event for late June which will be completely free and open to all willing to respect the ideals of the freeschool and each other. In order for this to be successful we need a timetable and for that we need you! So, if there’s something you always wanted to learn, a skill you are willing to share or a topic for discussion you think is important we would love to hear from you.. drop us a line:
deschooling_society [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net.

This session will have a special theme: housing, squatting and gentrification.

We already have some confirmed workshops:

– a talk from someone involved in “Save Queens Market” campaign on Saturday 20th afternoon.
Claiming housing benefit –  Friday evening
– DCH occupying council flats –  Saturday afternoon
Housing co-ops
– Planning session for squats and autonomous days of action
– practical skill sharing on electricity, plumbing
– open discussion on resisting eviction

And some other workshops that we hope will be confirmed. Plenty more coming!

law and history of squatting
– mobile sound system/DJ Freeze – Cat and James to contact Mike
– Feminism and housing
– setting up a PA

London FreeSchool aims to confront the hierarchy and inequality that dominates learning. It stems from a belief that the control and institutionalisation of education is wrong and as communities we need to reclaim knowledge in order to develop self reliance. It is a collectively run project open to all, in fact we are actively seeking new bodies who want to get involved and help organise similar events to this. If you are up for this then please get in contact (deschooling_society [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net).

Check the website from now onwards for more information on what is planned for the weekend. We hope to have all the descriptions for workshops up as soon as possible and the full timetable will be posted later.

Sign up to our newsletter at for irregular updates on upcoming events in London.